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Returns Policy

From the date of shipment, you have 28 days to evaluate your purchase. Provided it has not been damaged, used or worn (other than to try on for size) and no labels have been removed, you may return it in its original packaging for a full refund, or exchange at your discretion.
Please note that we will refund our original shipping charges or the costs of your return (e.g. postage or re-import duties) only if the goods are in some way faulty. For other returns you will be responsible for all return costs, including any re-importation duties or other taxes.

We do not accept returns on made to order products such as bagpipes, kilts and tailored garments. You may return made to order products for exchange if they are faulty or have a defect that is not considered normal wear and tear. All our bagpipes are covered by a 5 year guarantee where you must register the bagpipes using the enclosed card or alternatively online here: 
Important: if you do wish to return an item, please email to make arrangements before sending it. We will issue you with a returns number, which must be quoted either on the box or on a packing slip within.
The Company reserves the right to charge a restocking fee, which may be deducted from any refund or credit.

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